This year has seen a series of successes for Dark Realm umbrella. As we head into the new year, we feel the momentum of our two recently successfully funded projects pushing us forward. War Within RPG – On our DR Games Kickstarter account Our first full RPG is developing nicely. We have the text complete and are just working on the layout. This has taken us longer than predicted but the project has grown substantially during the funding period and has been enriched by comments and feedback that has focused our vision. This is part of the reason why we are so keen on the Kickstarter format. The month of funding exposes the product and people ask questions that you just have never considered. We will have this completed this month and look forward to sending it out. Murder at Morley’s Workshop One Shot – On our Dark Realm Roleplay Kickstarter account There is just over 24 hours left on this digital product over on Kickstarter.
The players take control of a country. To help manage their lands they each have a country record sheet. They have Trusted Aides who they can send on missions to cement success. They are given or select a government type, and this exerts an influence over their decisions. If the players act in a way that seems opposed to the government type or questionable to the population then the people may rise up. In this way players receive Instability Points. Ten of these and the government falls to revolution and the player is deposed. But they can return to power and with the help of their Trusted Spies can influence and sway the population’s opinion of their new leader. This war within government is pitched in an open world where the players are compelled to respond to incidents and breaking news. The world is unstable, caught in the grip of a cold war, with no obvious power managing uncertain times where peace is a tenuous proposition. The Games Master manages the world and the Non-pla...