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Showing posts from October, 2020

Kickstarter Notify Me Page…do we advertise it?

It has been months in the making but now finally our card game Trade Nation is on Kickstarter. Well, I mean the notify page is up so people can go there, click on the notify me button, and they will receive an email when the project goes live on Tuesday. Of course, this whole process brings a certain amount of trepidation. It has been interesting setting up the Preview page because it raises a number of questions about how you run a campaign. It’s great to be able to pick up the clicks before the actual campaign goes live, so as I said before people receive their notifications, but do you actually advertise the notify me page or do you wait until the actual campaign goes live? It is a bit of a conundrum. I have put out a Facebook advert pushing the notify page but have decided to wait on the rest of my advertising budget for when the page actually goes live. I really do not know if this is a mistake and I am very curious as to what the standard conversion rate is for notify me clic...