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A Week on from the Kickstarter

It is Tuesday the 5th of May and a week after the Kickstarter ended. It feels like a month! But we have another week until Kickstarter completes the transactions and I can send out all the Dark Force Incursion Expansion goodies. I have been working on the stretch goals and their design, much of which is finished, although the wasteland designs are taking a bit longer.

I have been pleased to see that we have had some coverage on several blogs:

Charmstone Games were first to the post with their article “A Non-RPG Review? Dark Force Incursion,” which takes an interesting look at how DFI could be used in an RPG setting 

Lightheart Adventures put together an excellent interview where I talk about DFI and our collaboration:

A positive article appeared at Boards and Bees:

And we also had coverage at Boardgame Babylon.

This project has been quite staggering, and I am delighted to say that reviews such as this and in fact us all played a part in its success. Board Game Geek has also been a great focus for the DFI community and the page is ever growing. I will be uploading more content there after the project is finalised.

Ideas for Dark Force Incursion Phase 3

After we send out the expansions and stretch goals what comes next for DFI? I figured we need to have a base for the game and so I am creating a dedicated website to which I can upload monthly bundles of maps and new rules. In this way we can build up to the multiplayer and co-op versions of the game as well.

The aliens burst from these bulbous drop pods (concept art)
The Next Print and Play Game

There are two new projects I am developing and will take up my time once this phase of DFI is
complete. This is not to say that Dark Force Incursion is to be sidelined! By no means, as stated above there is much to come. But as a company we want to offer up other games and I have loads of ideas floating around in my head that I want to develop. The first is called Drop Pods (working title) and is a tabletop, print and play, game that I will be bringing to Kickstarter in a few weeks. You play an enlisted civilian who has opted to help combat the alien invasion. There are more roleplay elements in this game, a comprehensive rule book and plenty of adventure for solo and multiplayer setups.

Then there is Trade Nation

There will be plenty of information on this actual card game coming soon but I see this project as the third game for the sequence and one that promises a lot as a family game that could sit alongside games such as UNO and Citadels. I know those are big aspirations, but I am profoundly serious about taking DR Games to the next level and excited about sharing my games with the world. What I hope is you are all along for the ride!



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